2025 TOSL U13-U18 District League Break: July 26 - August 10
2025 TOSL U13-U18 District League Break: July 26 - August 10

T.O. Soccer League

Rules and Regulations - U8 - U12

T.O. Soccer League

2024 Rules and Regulations U8 - U12

1.   Membership

  1. Membership is open to all eligible SSA, TSA and NYSA clubs wishing to enter a team at the U8-U12 age group.  Teams may be accepted from outside with permission of applicable district.
  2. Divisions will be formed based on team registrations and approved by the League Committee.  Tiered divisions will be formed in all age groups.  Clubs will declare Tier of their own teams.

2.     Applications

  1. Application by a Club to have a team play in the TO Soccer League must be completed online by March 15th of each year.  This Application must be complete with full registration fee.  (See Appendix B)
  2. Any team application submitted by a Club after the deadline may be accepted at the discretion of the League Committee and may be subject to a fine (See Appendix B) set by the League Committee. 
  3. Teams withdrawing from the League after April 15th will forfeit the entire League fee.
  4. Teams withdrawing from the League after May 1st will forfeit the entire League fee and will be fined.  (See Appendix A)
  5. Notice of withdrawal must be in writing from  Club email.

3.     League Season

  1. The playing season shall commence as early as possible in May and shall conclude with the final scheduled (re-scheduled) games of the League which must be completed by October 15th unless otherwise agreed to by the League Committee.
  2. Teams failing to meet their obligations to play a game will be subject to a fine if league not notified within 72 hours. (See Appendix A)

Notification must be received in writing from the Club.    

  • Under 8 and Under 9 will be run as Festival Format.
  • League Blackout- July 27-August 11.

4.     League Games

  1. The age divisions formed by the League shall be as initiated and ratified by the Ontario Soccer Ages are to be computed as of January 1st in the current year.
  2. The duration of all League Games will be as follows:
    1. Under 8-9 (FESTIVALS)                      2 X 20 Minutes
    1. Under 10-11                                           2 X 25 Minutes          
    1. Under 12                                               2 X 35 Minutes

The half time intervals shall be 5 minutes.

  • No Scores/No Standings for all divisions.  All games should be attempted to play as circumstances allow.
  • Substitutions will be unlimited and allowed at any stoppage
  • Home teams must ensure that nets, lines and retreat line are in place for all games, at all age groups, prior to the scheduled kick-off time.  Failure to comply will result in a fine. (See Appendix A)
  • The use of shin guards is mandatory at all ages for ALL GAMES.

5.     Team Roster

  1. All players must be registered with Ontario Soccer.  All players must be input in E2E by the club.
  • Player Books are not required in the U8-U12 divisions

6.     Team Officials

  1. Team officials must be registered on an Ontario Soccer Roster and must possess valid Ontario Soccer Registration Book or Card.  Team Officials must be active in the E2E system.
  2. Maximum 4 team officials allowed on the bench/game sheet. Failure to adhere to the maximum 4 officials shall result in a fine. (See Appendix A)

7.      Player Eligibility

  1. All players shall be duly registered in accordance with Ontario Soccer Policies and Procedures and must be covered by health, medical or similar insurance.  Players may self-identify which gender they want to play in as per CCES guidelines.
  2. All players must be registered on or prior to August 31.
  3. Teams must not exceed the Maximum Number of Players on game day.
  4. All rules and regulations as set out in Ontario Soccer Policies and Procedures regarding the signing and transfer of players shall apply.
  5. Teams found to have used an ineligible player(s) or deemed to be an ineligible team, will subject its Club to a fine.  (See Appendix A)

8.      Call Ups

  1. Teams may only use call ups from their own club or registered affiliate. No trial permits or temporary registration permit players are allowed.  No limit on callups per game.  No limit on the number of games you can be used as a callup. Callups will be included in the maximum number of underage players allowed in a game.
  2. All underage players must have a Club Approved Playing Up Form Submitted to the league.
  3. Any overage players must have a Club Approved Playing Down Form Submitted to the league.  This is subject to review at any time.

9.   Referees

  1. The referee fee, payable 50% cash by each team, shall be paid directly to referee with the completed game sheet (U8/U9 Game Sheet Not Applicable), before the start of the game.  If there is no referee present then teams will make arrangements to referee the game itself.
    If the game is not started by the referee for whatever reason, the referee will not be paid.

10. Schedule

  1. Under no circumstances will teams be allowed to postpone games.  Teams may choose to play less games if they want as long as proper notice is given which is 72 hours.

11. Rescheduling

  1. Games may be rescheduled by the league pending field availability.

12. Uniforms

  1. Teams must provide each player with identical sweaters with unique identification.
  2. The goalkeeper must wear a contrasting sweater which also must be different from the opposing team.
  3. The home team will be designated on the league schedule.  When uniform colours are similar, the home team must change to distinct colours at the discretion of the referee. 

13. Game Ball

  1. The home team will be responsible to provide the game ball (U8-U9 - Size 3, U10-U11 - Size 4, U12 - Size 4/Size 5 Light)

14. Game Sheets

  1. All teams shall furnish a complete list of players and team officials on the game sheet provided/generated participating in the game and their Ontario Soccer number.  The top portion of the game sheet must be fully completed by the team.  Incomplete game sheets will be subject to a fine.  (See Appendix A)
  2. U8/U9 Festivals- No Game Sheet Required.  Copy of OS Roster and/or League Provided Game Sheet MUST be emailed to the league before first game of each festival indicating players in attendance.
  3. U10-U12- The game sheet, bearing the name of the players and the team officials, must be emailed to the league before the start of the game.  The game sheet must be available on mobile device to send to referee by email if necessary.  Each team will submit game sheets and 50% of Officials Fees to the referee prior to the game starting.  Failure to email the game sheet to the league before the start of the game WILL result in a fine.  (See Appendix A)
  4. Only players/team officials listed on the game sheet are allowed on the bench.
  5. Inaccurate Game Sheets are subject to a hearing and fines.  See Appendix A and will include but are not limited to the following:
    Suspended Players/Team Officials listed on a game sheet

15. Reporting Scores

  1. Teams are not required to enter game results.  The league will have the game sheets from the referees as needed.

16. Discipline

  1. The League will follow the Discipline By Review process for any cases as outlined in Ontario Soccer Published Rules.  In some cases a Hearing will be required and as such the appropriate parties will be notified.  A detailed explanation of the DBR, DBH and SIR systems can be found on the website.  Fees for Hearings- See Appendix B.
  2. The player has a right to request a hearing (DBH).  There will be an administrative fee (See Appendix B) to those that want to request a hearing for a DBR case.  The request for hearing (in writing) and the fee must be received no later than 72 hours from the date of the game.
  3. The league will follow Ontario Soccer Standard Penalties for Misconduct.  This can be found on the League Website.
  4. Any suspensions will begin after notification from the league.
  5. Players or team officials participating in a game while under suspension will be subject to severe disciplinary action which could result in forfeiture of game and/or fine.  (See Appendix A)
  6. The TOSL considers the following incidents as “detrimental to the game of soccer” and will be charged with Ontario Soccer 5.67:

Spectator(s) interfering in a game, especially when entering the field of play (without permission of the referee) or threatening a game official

Instigating or participating in a brawl between 2 teams or teams spectators before, during or after the game.

Swarming of a Match Official

Permitted unregistered player(s) to participate in a sanctioned game

Spectators using racist, sexist or homophobic comments before, during or after a game.

17. Club Conduct

  1. The team officials and players shall confine themselves to the players’ bench which shall be deemed to be an area ten yards long commencing five yards, and finishing fifteen yards from the centre line on either side of the field.
  2. Any game abandoned by a game official will be dealt with by the League discipline committee.  A team found guilty of causing abandonment will forfeit the game and be subject to a fine.  (See Appendix A)

In the event that both teams are found guilty, both teams will be subject to a fine. (See Appendix A)

C. The club is responsible for all its team officials, players and spectators at all times, and shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner in accordance with the laws of the game.
A team official, player or spectator impeding, harassing, or otherwise intimidating a game official, opposing team official, members of the League or opposing players, will be subject to severe disciplinary action, including a fine.  (See Appendix A)

D. Any team official listed on a Special Incident Report will be suspended and club fined $200 if a hearing is not warranted.

18. Fees and Fines

  1. Any League invoice for fees or fines not paid within twenty-one days of issue may result in a suspension of League privileges to all teams of the offending Club, until the invoice is paid.  Any games scheduled during the suspension period will be forfeit, and the points awarded to the opposing team.  No applications will be accepted for the following season while a Club is in bad standing.

19. Protests and Appeals

  1. Appeals will be dealt with by the district association that does not have a team involved in the particular game in question.

20. Other Matters

  1. All matters not included in these rules and regulations shall be judged in accordance with the constitutions and by-laws of Scarborough Soccer Association, Toronto Soccer Association and North York Soccer Association.